Thursday 2 February 2012

Presentation 1: Research Component

1. Introduction:

The city in which we live is a multifaceted thing, different for every person. For some, it may be the home that we will never tire of, while for others it may be a pit stop onto the next destination. Whatever it may be, the city of Kuala Lumpur is the main star of this Television show, but while that may be, it’s the 4 people that we interview and follow each episode that makes this Documentary/TV Series different. With each of the 4 people coming from very different social structures and because of the difference in race and culture, the idea of following these 4 exciting people as they show us their side of their city is one that will interest Malaysians and travelers alike.

The topic, “Society and Culture” means that the show, currently titled “A Slice of Life”, will explore the social/cultural side of these people and their city, while also teaching about what it is like to live in Malaysia. It’s an interesting take on a Travel/Documentary that also teaches us about life as a Student, a Housewife, a Working Adult and a Senior Citizen.

The problem that I wish to address with this series is that of racism and tension or misunderstanding between cultures. Especially within such a multi-cultural society as Malaysia, racial harmony is a very important thing. By learning more about these 4 people’s lives and the way that they see Kuala Lumpur, we hope to rid people of their stereotypes or previous misgivings they may have had.

Getting back to the targeted audience of “A Slice of Life”, I hope to capture a wide audience of Malaysians, and foreigners living within Malaysia; specifically, those living within Kuala Lumpur. However, because of the different races, ages and social structures involved, it would be incredibly hard to cater to a specific age or race, as the majority of them will be represented, creating interest for them.

Looking at this audience of Malaysians and Expatriates in the format of a Demographic and Psychographic study (which is defined as “the study of personality, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles"), we can classify the audience as:

- Between the ages of 16 to 45 years old.
- Malaysians (Malay/Chinese/Indian etc) and KL Expatriates.

- Active, outgoing people who wish to explore KL.
- Malaysians who may be history buffs.
- People who enjoy traveling or trying new things.

2. Problem Statement
The Problem Statement of the topic, as mentioned before, is the lack of racial harmony within Malaysia, as well as a lack of understanding between social levels or hierarchies. For a simple example, a middle-age Father who keeps very busy with his career would not quite understand what is going on in the life of his teenage daughter who, while still studying, still has a life of her own. Likewise, men and women brought up in a Chinese household have a very different background to that of an Indian or Malay household. Thus, further insight into the life of any of these races would cause understanding that could make way for a common livelihood.

This content needs to be created so as to create understanding and awareness of the many races and cultures within Malaysia, as well as a feeling of patriotism for Malaysia, their home. The Documentary may attract others who wish to visit Malaysia, however, as it shows a side of Asia that one does not see on packages or tours; the real side of Kuala Lumpur.

3. Purpose of the content

The purpose of this TV Show is to:
- Entertain and Inform the audience.
- To bring Malaysians together under a common homeland.
- To show where some people frequent in KL, what they might do; essentially showing their life in Kuala Lumpur as well as their perspective on their own city.
- To display Kuala Lumpur as a possible tourist destination.
- To reveal Kuala Lumpur's less-well-known locations for fun etc.

4. Review of Content

Similar Work:
The above link is “Kuala Lumpur My City”, a look at Kuala Lumpur which almost advertises the city to possible businessmen. Thus, it is quite different in its aim and message. However, it may act as a possibility or example to follow.

There are also many countless Travel shows that deal with South East Asia. However, either the hosts are the center of the show, or the message is different. This TV Series that I'm presenting, however, deals with Kuala Lumpur and it's people directly, in a non-scripted format that ensures for a much more "real" feeling from the audience.

5. Research Questions (sample)
- Should “hate speech” or racism be tolerated?
- Do working parents harm children?
- Does day care harm children?
- What are the effects of living in different neighbourhoods?
- How can racism be overcome?
- What is the most interesting part of a person?
- Where are the most interesting locations within Kuala Lumpur?
- Where is your favourite place to eat?

6. Examples of work to watch:
First Example: The Concept and Interviewing, Travelling side.

Second Example: Cinematography, Editing Style and Music are all excellent.

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